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Monday, January 30, 2012

Mothers Who Don't Think

After all the ranting and raving I have done this week about watching your children, I saw something that really got on my nerves this morning.

There is a bus stop right down the road of my house. Every morning a bus comes and picks up the Pre-K kids to take them to the Elementary school.

This morning I was outside waiting for Mark so he could take Emily to school when I noticed a mother with her 3 kids hustling to the bus stop (the bus was already there). Her daughter is about 3, her son is about 5, and she has a baby in a stroller.

I hear her telling the little girl to hurry up and that she needs to walk because her brother needs to get to the bus. No big deal, I know that frustration. The little girl is crying and dragging her feet, the little boys is running off ahead and the mother is trying to rush to get to the bus stop before the bus leaves.

There are 15 women standing at the bus stop. Women I see her socializing with every single day. Women she was within shouting distance of who would have probably had the bus wait.

No, no.... instead of hollering to her friends (who saw her anyway) what does she do?

She starts running, leaving the 3 year old crying in the middle of the STREET! Not just any street, an INTERSECTION. Granted we are in a residential area, but still.

OK, that was a little questionable. But, THEN she lets go of the stroller and leaves the baby in the middle of a grassy area between the girl and the bus stop and rushes the older child to the bus. We're probably talking at least 300 feet and a bus stop shack between her and the girl.

Another mother at the bus stop ran over and collected the other woman's children and moved them to safety.

Kicker of it was she didn't even put the kid on the bus! He was throwing such a fit she just gave up. It's Pre-K, so it's not really that big of a deal.

When she went to grab her other children the woman who went and got them had some words with her. You could tell based on the echoing angry response bouncing off the walls of our houses.

In my personal opinion, her actions were reckless and dangerous. I would never, ever, leave my 3 year old in the street and my baby in a grassy field in order to get my other child anywhere, especially a place that really wasn't all that important.

She probably just didn't want to have to deal with a 3rd child home all day. Well, if that's how you feel you should have thought before having them.

It's really not my business what she does with her children; however it annoys me with all of the hysteria going on right now about abductions.

Take care of your children, and THINK. THINK. THINK.

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