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Friday, January 27, 2012

Clucking Hens Update 3

Wow, what an evening. Last night, 3rd ID posted their statement regarding the "abduction attempts", stating that the accusations were unfounded.  The "victims" and "witnesses" commented on these posts and thoroughly exposed themselves as liars in the process. One of them was actually blocked because of the nastiness she was spewing. I would love to copy and paste for all to see, but like I said, she was blocked and her comments were therefore removed.

 I received a comment on my last update and in telling everyone the new updates I will also be able to address the concerns of this individual. Here is the comment, I agree with most of it, but feel the need to explain a few of my opinions:
It is a shame that some people would fabricate stories about something so serious. The claims do seem to be motivated at least partially by racism. But, according to your link above, I would guess that there are some real cases. The shame in this is that now, if this really were to happen, anyone who comes forward with a story like this will be viewed with suspicion and judged by some to be a racist. Either way, as a parent I think its better to be safe than sorry. I'd rather racially-profile* than the unthinkable happen. *Also note that this isn't just racial profiling, its cultural. If a wigger rolls up in an orange caddy on 26's I might keep an extra keen eye on my kids.

There are no other cases. Period. That has been confirmed. The media is looking for a scoop. They always do this with the government. The article I posted on the last update was modified after the alleged victims threw a huge fit, probably because they weren't getting enough attention. One of the "witnesses" actually emailed me letting me know that she went to the media. One of the other stories just so happened to come from a girl who was creating drama right afterwards. I do not have any reason to believe these claims to be anything more than either mass hysteria or copycat attention seekers. The men in this case were cleared of any wrongdoing. Period.

This scenario would never happen. That's the problem with this whole catastrophe. Last night when the "victims" and "witnesses" were going off on  3ID's Facebook page, they never made a claim of attempted abduction. The woman claimed that 2 black men, in an Orange Impala followed her children home. She claims that everyone and their brother witnessed this, including a friend that DROVE by. She claims that she came face to face with the men. However, she can't tell me what happened when she came face to face with them other than they were black and "dirty". The fact that none of the witnesses or victims will explain what happened after the children were supposedly followed sends a red flag up. After all, there are 10 adults who claim they saw this incident, but no one can tell us what the hell the INCIDENT was... so far, I see no incident.

Now, IF these men followed her children home that's a tad creepy. However, you cannot deduce that they were going to abduct them.

The reason this would never happen is simple. Stranger abduction is very, very, very rare in reality. Usually children are abducted by someone they know or they have met before. When strangers do abduct children it is almost ALWAYS a child of their same race. Enough so that these facts are used when creating a profile in stranger abductions. Stranger abductions are also almost always done by a single individual and a time the child is alone. Not a time when there are 20 MPs guiding traffic in the middle of the road, and hundreds of kids walking home from school.

 So, let's just say it was a stranger abduction, and defied all of these odds.

Two black guys in an Orange car tried to abduct a white child in the middle of a busy street, in front of their house no less, with 10 or more supposed adults and more children standing around?

That's a one in a million shot.

On top of that, like I said the parents have not said anything about an abduction attempt.

This  apparently happened as school was letting out. Let's just say in theory these kids were on bikes. The speed limit is 15 and you usually end up driving slower than that. It's completely feasible that these two guys just happened to be going in the same direction as these kids and it gave the illusion of following them.

As far as racially profiling, that's actually a very dangerous thought process. Like I said in all of these posts, most abductions, sex crimes, and violent crimes in general are committed race on race. White on white, black on black, Hispanic on Hispanic, etc. Sometimes there are deviations from this, but it's not common or likely.

Race has no bearing on whether someone is more likely to commit a crime or not. Period.

Cultural profiling is dangerous as well. If you see a "wigger" as you put it, and think they're any more dangerous than the old man taking a walk around the block you're not in the right mindset. Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most charismatic men the people who knew him had ever met. He was educated, All American, religious, clean cut, and white. Yet he was kidnapping, raping and chopping up little boys then eating them. No one ever had any idea.

Dangerous people don't have a look. There is nothing on the outside of anyone that can or should be used to determine the risk factor of that individual. Aside from them walking down the street with an AK or something of that nature, of course.

As a parent, we must assume there are dangers everywhere. If it's a stranger, it's a stranger. White, Black, Hispanic, male, female, preppy, or goth. It doesn't matter. They could all be a potential danger, so ANYTIME our children are out playing we need to be vigilant.

Ultimately, it's been proven that this was either a misunderstanding or outright lie. I would like to believe it was a misinterpretation, but these women are serious attention whores. I also believe that the follow up stories are simply an attempt for the other drama queens to thrust themselves into the limelight.

They have clogged up our Public Safety and housing systems, as well as the POA office. Personally, I feel they should be held accountable for their actions as far as creating a catastrophe.


  1. I agree with your position for the most part. My comment wasn't meant to disagree with what you've said, but just to give a different viewpoint.

    "The reason this would never happen is simple. Stranger abduction is very, very, very rare in reality"
    very, very rare != never. As parents, we have the obligation to be vigilant because the very, very rare does happen.

    "most abductions, sex crimes, and violent crimes in general are committed race on race."
    Seems reasonable given that most anything that anyone does is with people of their own race. Most people [ACTION] people of their own race. This is a true statement if ACTION is marry, vote for, are friends with...
    Given this I guess I should have a MORE keen eye on the wigger.

    Your statement isn't true everywhere though:
    The data referenced in the first article came from the Oslo police. I tried to find sources that weren't obviously racist sites. BNP was the best I could do within 30 seconds.

    More specifically, do you think profiling (and I don't mean racial) is ever useful? I contend that it is and I think most law enforcement agencies would agree.

    Sometimes (maybe most of the time) stereotypes match the data. For example these are all stereotypes supported by data: asians are good at math, jews (askenazi) are intelligent, blacks commit more crimes than other races, ranting white women can't dance (I only have one data point on this :))

    The trouble comes when you assume causality. That is, that a person's race/ethnicity causes him to fit the stereotype. For example, that black people commit more crimes because they are black. I think its probably due to socio-economic reasons, but admit I haven't done my homework (

    1. Criminal profiling is absolutely useful, in fact I referenced it in my statements. It's the major reason behind my conclusion. I believe there are sound types of profiling, however even criminal profiling is a debated science.

      If you check out the FBI fact sheets regarding sexual assaults, stranger child abductions and molestation, and violent crimes, you will notice that the majority of these are race on race.

      I know you weren't disagreeing with me, I just disagree with racial and culturally profiling people. It's not even backed by psychology.

      I am hesitant to trust any article with the term ALL, really.

      Please see this link:

      and this one:

      Unfortunately, when it comes to crime stereotypes or others based on race, they aren't often backed by numbers.

      For instance, around 80% of the people on Welfare are white I believe. That's not something people expect. There are far more white registered sex offenders than black. The majority of serial killers have been white males. There are more white people on death row in the US than there are black.

      Location doesn't matter as much as race density in that location matters. If there are 500 black people in a town and 50 white women, of course the majority of sexual assaults in that town are going to be committed by black males.I think the amount of black women who were sexually assaulted would still outnumber the amount of white women though, based on criminal psychology.

    2. I need to dig up the paper I did a year or so ago on this subject with all of my references and post it... If I can find it I will.

    3. Upon researching it, I suppose I should clarify that these statistics are US based. It is in fact different in other places. For instance 56% of child abductions/attempted abductions in the UK were committed by strangers.

    4. On rape the data is inconsistent with your previous assertion (that most crime is between races)

      "black rapists choose white victims roughly 55% of the time"

      Although 55% is lower than white people's share (~66%) of the population.

    5. Ok, this is getting off topic, but here:

      This lists the reference as the Bureau of Justice Statistics, a reliable reference. Please see the section regarding Race. 88% of the time, the victim and assailant are the same race.

      My assertion was correct.

      However, the main point was child abductions.

      Wikipedia isn't a valid source of information, there's a reason colleges don't accept it as a reference. It's full of bullshit.

      I suggest the Bureau of Justice statistics website instead, or the FBI fact book.

      Please research child abductions by race in the US and get back to me with a legitimate source.

    6. Wikipedia is too a valid source - I know because I typed it in myself! Seriously though, the figure I used came from a source listed on the page.

      I couldn't find much on child abductions, but I did find a usdoj source with a table for lots of other crimes. It's a race of victim/race of suspect matrix. If you're interested checkout table 42. Note the "not known" column which is sometimes significant.

  2. I just want to hit one stereotype abt blacks...we can't all cook or have the craving to fry chicken. I personally like mine baked. That is all

  3. I agree the welfare thing is a false stereotype:
    "Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available."


    But, lots of stereotypes can be supported by data.

    1. I am sure plenty can - like military healthcare for instance... Army wives... etc. But I think in comparison, the ones that can will be far outnumbered by the ones that are unjustified and based on ignorance, not fact.
