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Monday, January 30, 2012

Mothers Who Don't Think

After all the ranting and raving I have done this week about watching your children, I saw something that really got on my nerves this morning.

There is a bus stop right down the road of my house. Every morning a bus comes and picks up the Pre-K kids to take them to the Elementary school.

This morning I was outside waiting for Mark so he could take Emily to school when I noticed a mother with her 3 kids hustling to the bus stop (the bus was already there). Her daughter is about 3, her son is about 5, and she has a baby in a stroller.

I hear her telling the little girl to hurry up and that she needs to walk because her brother needs to get to the bus. No big deal, I know that frustration. The little girl is crying and dragging her feet, the little boys is running off ahead and the mother is trying to rush to get to the bus stop before the bus leaves.

There are 15 women standing at the bus stop. Women I see her socializing with every single day. Women she was within shouting distance of who would have probably had the bus wait.

No, no.... instead of hollering to her friends (who saw her anyway) what does she do?

She starts running, leaving the 3 year old crying in the middle of the STREET! Not just any street, an INTERSECTION. Granted we are in a residential area, but still.

OK, that was a little questionable. But, THEN she lets go of the stroller and leaves the baby in the middle of a grassy area between the girl and the bus stop and rushes the older child to the bus. We're probably talking at least 300 feet and a bus stop shack between her and the girl.

Another mother at the bus stop ran over and collected the other woman's children and moved them to safety.

Kicker of it was she didn't even put the kid on the bus! He was throwing such a fit she just gave up. It's Pre-K, so it's not really that big of a deal.

When she went to grab her other children the woman who went and got them had some words with her. You could tell based on the echoing angry response bouncing off the walls of our houses.

In my personal opinion, her actions were reckless and dangerous. I would never, ever, leave my 3 year old in the street and my baby in a grassy field in order to get my other child anywhere, especially a place that really wasn't all that important.

She probably just didn't want to have to deal with a 3rd child home all day. Well, if that's how you feel you should have thought before having them.

It's really not my business what she does with her children; however it annoys me with all of the hysteria going on right now about abductions.

Take care of your children, and THINK. THINK. THINK.

Auto Theft

Good Morning.

I'm a bit annoyed this morning.

One of my Marks soldiers truck was stolen out of the barracks parking lot this morning.

There is one type of person I dislike more than a liar; and that's a thief. I don't tolerate them. I don't care what other accomplishments or qualities a thief has, I don't like them. Period, end of story.

I've fallen victim to my share of thieves in my lifetime and the feeling of being violated never gets easier.

This poor kid had put so much time and money into that truck it was ridiculous. He's a former Marine and current Soldier being med-boarded out of the Army at the moment for injuries he sustained in Iraq.

Point being - he worked for the money he used to build that truck. He undoubtedly worked very hard and sacrificed a lot.

It's a pretty noticeable vehicle. It's white with a purple stripe and rims so I'm sure they'll find it eventually. Of course the stereo and rims probably won't be on/in it. I'm sure it will also be littered with trash by the scum that stole it IF they are in fact dumb enough to take such an obvious vehicle out joyriding knowing it's likely reported stolen.

Why is it so hard for scum like this to work for what they have? I guess I shouldn't assume they don't work but if they do perhaps they should manage their money correctly so they don't have to participate in such violating illegal acts to increase their income.

I don't care how poor someone is, there is no excuse for taking what doesn't belong to you. I may make an exception for someone stealing food because they're starving, but not much of one. I probably just wouldn't judge them as harshly. Yes, I said I would judge someone. Deal with it. After all, here in the good ol' US of A there are options for everyone to eat regardless of whether you have money.

I really hope he miraculously receives the vehicle back untouched. If not, his insurance will cover most of it but it doesn't replace the work and sweat he put into it and I doubt he'll get back the amount of money it cost to make it what it was. At least his lien will be paid, I guess. Not that it makes it any better.

I really hope the people who took it feel some sort of guilt. However, I would not hold my breath expecting it.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Clucking Hens Update (Hopefully the Last)

Thought those of you following this would enjoy this:

  • Beth Bryant Gambrell Amanda Sullivan, what is your job or position on Ft Stewart to be talking so openly about an active and on going investigation? How dare you be so ignorant to blatantly state publicly that victims exaggerate and lie, if this is a professional opinion then you are NOT qualified for your job! How dare you! The purpose of education regarding Child Safety & Victims issues is NOT to place blame on those that are victimized. That is exactly why more people do not come forward with information that can make a difference in an investigation. This is why victims do not become empowered to be Survivors.
    After all this, if one hair on any childs head is touched by a stranger, all heads on post are going to roll. That is how serious this situation is, and that is the only message that needs to be communicated.
    Reveling people's personal reports, I'm assuming MP or Victims Assistance reports in any way shape or form, is wrong. You should be reprimanded and put in a different job, immediately.
    How dare you share such information, however vague it may be. It's still private information in an ongoing investigation.
    about an hour ago · 
  • Amanda Sullivan All of my information I got from what those girls involved posted publicly on Facebook over the last 48 hours. So, I'm not sure where you got that idea, but ok.
    59 minutes ago ·  ·  1

Clucking Hens Update 3

Wow, what an evening. Last night, 3rd ID posted their statement regarding the "abduction attempts", stating that the accusations were unfounded.  The "victims" and "witnesses" commented on these posts and thoroughly exposed themselves as liars in the process. One of them was actually blocked because of the nastiness she was spewing. I would love to copy and paste for all to see, but like I said, she was blocked and her comments were therefore removed.

 I received a comment on my last update and in telling everyone the new updates I will also be able to address the concerns of this individual. Here is the comment, I agree with most of it, but feel the need to explain a few of my opinions:
It is a shame that some people would fabricate stories about something so serious. The claims do seem to be motivated at least partially by racism. But, according to your link above, I would guess that there are some real cases. The shame in this is that now, if this really were to happen, anyone who comes forward with a story like this will be viewed with suspicion and judged by some to be a racist. Either way, as a parent I think its better to be safe than sorry. I'd rather racially-profile* than the unthinkable happen. *Also note that this isn't just racial profiling, its cultural. If a wigger rolls up in an orange caddy on 26's I might keep an extra keen eye on my kids.

There are no other cases. Period. That has been confirmed. The media is looking for a scoop. They always do this with the government. The article I posted on the last update was modified after the alleged victims threw a huge fit, probably because they weren't getting enough attention. One of the "witnesses" actually emailed me letting me know that she went to the media. One of the other stories just so happened to come from a girl who was creating drama right afterwards. I do not have any reason to believe these claims to be anything more than either mass hysteria or copycat attention seekers. The men in this case were cleared of any wrongdoing. Period.

This scenario would never happen. That's the problem with this whole catastrophe. Last night when the "victims" and "witnesses" were going off on  3ID's Facebook page, they never made a claim of attempted abduction. The woman claimed that 2 black men, in an Orange Impala followed her children home. She claims that everyone and their brother witnessed this, including a friend that DROVE by. She claims that she came face to face with the men. However, she can't tell me what happened when she came face to face with them other than they were black and "dirty". The fact that none of the witnesses or victims will explain what happened after the children were supposedly followed sends a red flag up. After all, there are 10 adults who claim they saw this incident, but no one can tell us what the hell the INCIDENT was... so far, I see no incident.

Now, IF these men followed her children home that's a tad creepy. However, you cannot deduce that they were going to abduct them.

The reason this would never happen is simple. Stranger abduction is very, very, very rare in reality. Usually children are abducted by someone they know or they have met before. When strangers do abduct children it is almost ALWAYS a child of their same race. Enough so that these facts are used when creating a profile in stranger abductions. Stranger abductions are also almost always done by a single individual and a time the child is alone. Not a time when there are 20 MPs guiding traffic in the middle of the road, and hundreds of kids walking home from school.

 So, let's just say it was a stranger abduction, and defied all of these odds.

Two black guys in an Orange car tried to abduct a white child in the middle of a busy street, in front of their house no less, with 10 or more supposed adults and more children standing around?

That's a one in a million shot.

On top of that, like I said the parents have not said anything about an abduction attempt.

This  apparently happened as school was letting out. Let's just say in theory these kids were on bikes. The speed limit is 15 and you usually end up driving slower than that. It's completely feasible that these two guys just happened to be going in the same direction as these kids and it gave the illusion of following them.

As far as racially profiling, that's actually a very dangerous thought process. Like I said in all of these posts, most abductions, sex crimes, and violent crimes in general are committed race on race. White on white, black on black, Hispanic on Hispanic, etc. Sometimes there are deviations from this, but it's not common or likely.

Race has no bearing on whether someone is more likely to commit a crime or not. Period.

Cultural profiling is dangerous as well. If you see a "wigger" as you put it, and think they're any more dangerous than the old man taking a walk around the block you're not in the right mindset. Jeffrey Dahmer was one of the most charismatic men the people who knew him had ever met. He was educated, All American, religious, clean cut, and white. Yet he was kidnapping, raping and chopping up little boys then eating them. No one ever had any idea.

Dangerous people don't have a look. There is nothing on the outside of anyone that can or should be used to determine the risk factor of that individual. Aside from them walking down the street with an AK or something of that nature, of course.

As a parent, we must assume there are dangers everywhere. If it's a stranger, it's a stranger. White, Black, Hispanic, male, female, preppy, or goth. It doesn't matter. They could all be a potential danger, so ANYTIME our children are out playing we need to be vigilant.

Ultimately, it's been proven that this was either a misunderstanding or outright lie. I would like to believe it was a misinterpretation, but these women are serious attention whores. I also believe that the follow up stories are simply an attempt for the other drama queens to thrust themselves into the limelight.

They have clogged up our Public Safety and housing systems, as well as the POA office. Personally, I feel they should be held accountable for their actions as far as creating a catastrophe.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

True Love

UPDATE: Clucking Hens

Looks like I wasn't crazy.

Clucking Hens

So, this morning I went on Facebook to check the Baby and Kids items and Furniture For Sale groups in the area. Having twins, I'm always looking for a bargain. I also hate my couch and loveseat, but that's a whole other talk show...

Immediately I notice there is a common subject in the posts - and it's not cribs or couches. It was regarding a supposed child abduction on post yesterday. Don't get me wrong, I take child abduction very seriously. However, I wasn't alarmed because someone is claiming their child was 'almost' abducted almost daily here. My guess is the crazies see someone stopped on the curb (probably checking directions or making a phone call) close to where their children are playing and spaz out, especially if the person in the car is black.

Let me get a little off track and explain something here before I continue so you know why race is important. The base itself, and the surrounding area is predominantly black. You get these poor little white girls shipped here from Kentucky, and they are terrified. Seriously. Before I moved here all I got told was how the black people at Stewart hated white people and treated them like crap, blah, blah, blah. I paid it no mind because race matters not to me. I can fit in just about anywhere, with just about anyone when it comes to race. Many of my good friends are black and I am more than aware that stereotypes based on race are just that, stereotypes.  So, the idea of living in a predominantly black area does not concern me. I would like to note that I've never had anyone treat me differently because I'm white since I've been here. There are rude people everywhere, but my theory is the feeling of being treated differently by black people more than likely stems from a subconscious attitude they put off around people of color.

Anyway, when you get Bobbi Mae out of the white 'hood and throw her into an area like this with her nonexistent cultural exposure, she gets scared. She thinks every black person is going to rob her, rape her, carjack her.... Ugh. You think I'm joking, I'm not. I've seen the ignorant fear in these people. I just laugh.

Ok, back to my original rant.

So here's the first post I saw:

This post is for all the families thats in the Ft.Stewart/Hinesville area but mainly on post. Please be on the look out for an orange Monte Carlo on 26" rims. Its 2blk guys in the veh. They have tried on 2 different times to snatch lil kids up today in Southern Oaks. If u know r see this car pls call 911 or the MPs. Pls repost if u n the area. Thank u
Seems harmless enough, right? Well then I read this:
I got an email from a 911 operator... this is what it said.
"I am working at the Fort Stewart 911 Center. There is no truth to the claim of the driver of this car trying to pick up kids. He is wanted for something else. Please post this as a clarification or delete the post. Thank you."
Please remove all posts about this! 
There was another one that detailed how he tried to force a child into his trunk with a knife. It's since been deleted. Too bad, it was pretty intense. I would have like to have shared.

Ok. Stop. At this point I pretty much assumed it's all gossip, and probably not even true. Especially considering I had read about 10 other posts with different stories. Of course they were all black drivers, but they couldn't seem to decide whether they were in an Orange Monte Carlo or tan Ford Taurus. Cause, you know, they look SO similar. It was probably a white woman, in a green El Camino who side swiped another vehicle or something.

This car, the Monte Carlo mentioned, is a pretty obvious vehicle. I see it quite often - you can't miss it. The guy who drives it is a soldier, not that it makes him incapable of crime, but I'm sure he lives in the area due to the frequency in which I see it.

What kind of child abductor would come on a military base as a frequent visitor in a bright orange Monte Carlo with 26" rims, (That chick must have amazing vision to have been able to measure them from a distance, come to think of it!) stop in the middle of the road, pop the trunk, grab a knife and try to force a kid into it? Yep, sounds reasonable to me.

Poor guy. Now every time the crazies see him they're going to panic and call 911 because they think he's a kidnapper. He probably either a) Had nothing to do with anything or b) knowing the mindset of the white people here stopped or slowed down a little too close to their white children and they freaked. Unfortunately, you can't reason with these hens.

I would love to post the resulting thread after I politely commented on both stating this was obviously gossip and while I appreciated their concern for the kiddies, it wasn't right to post a picture of someones car and accusations like that without knowing the facts. I also told them I was sure if an attempted abduction had occurred there probably would have been an official announcement post wide.

They in turn told me that it wasn't gossip (No? I'm pretty sure repeating things you've heard but can't confirm, is gossip. Maybe it's just me.) and that on a military base things are hush hush, so there would have been no alert. What the hell do they think we are, the Mafia?! Oh no! Another attempted abduction (there's at least 5 claims a week), we better keep it on the DL. Wouldn't want people to keep their children safe.

Here's an idea. You want to protect the children of these neighborhoods from being kidnapped? Watch your own first. The first step towards avoiding child abduction is supervising your kids. I bet while this chick was typing up her frantic story to alert the masses, her child was off doing God knows what.

Also, as a side note. Stop being scared of black people. Race against race crime is pretty rare in reality, especially when it comes to kidnappings and sex crimes. Those are typically race on race crimes. So, my dear white friends, that black man standing over there is probably not going to rape you or steal your child. However, you may want to be wary of the white dude over there scoping you out.

Have a nice day!

Random Morning Rant

Here on post pedestrians always have the right-of-way. Always. They don't have to be in a crosswalk or wait for oncoming traffic. Basically, if you hit them, you're at fault.

I get it, I do. After all, we have a lot of foot traffic around here.

BUT, is it too much to ask for someone to use a little common sense? I think it's stupid to cross anywhere besides a crosswalk just for the principle of personal safety, but that's just me.

I almost hit 3 soldiers this morning driving my husband to work. Well, I almost hit one personally, then I almost slammed into a car that slammed on its brakes to avoid two soldier who decided it was best to run across the road with close oncoming traffic.

Ummm, hello?! It's 0530, pitch black, and there's dense fog. We can barely see the road markings let alone your digi-cam clad rear end with no reflective gear on running across the road. I don't appreciate you putting mine and those around me at a risk because you don't care about your own safety.

When you walk across the road at noon without looking, it annoys me. When you do it while it's dark and almost cause accidents and jeopardize your own safety, you're just being plain stupid.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Living on a military base is like living on WHA?!

There's an old saying that suggests "Living on a military base is like living in Peyton Place". It's a reference to an old book about a gossipy town from what I gather, although I've never read it myself.

I have to disagree with that analogy. I find it more like living in a therapists office where I'm the therapist.

I am all about listening to my friends issues. I will listen to their issues for hours on end if need be. After all, I know them and care about them.

My problem lies with the people, usually wives, who decide to tell me their entire life story (usually the goriest, most horrific portions) within the first 5 minutes of meeting me. Then of course, I get the detailed updates every time I don't run and lock myself in my car/house/whichever is closest fast enough to avoid them. These are all based on real-life run ins I've had on post.

I don't care. I don't know you. I don't want to know you. You're a nut job.

I don't care about your 10 ex-husbands or your lack of child support, OR how nasty your divorce was after you caught the idiot sleeping with his NCO. I've spoken to you 5 times in my life, so I'm not sure why you think we're BFF's.

I don't care that you are going to your husbands chain of command tomorrow to exert your non-existent HH6 (Household Six) authority because he wasn't able to make the monthly PTA meeting at your kids school. That bastard, out supporting your family... how dare he?! How dare they?! I mean, don't get me wrong - I feel bad for him. He has THAT wife. The career-ender. It's the Army. Get over it. If you ever want him to see past E-4, don't even look at the Company building as you drive by. Lord, what will you do if he ever deploys? I would give you this advice, but I won't because you're STILL rambling and I can't do anything but nod and look at my phone like something important is coming up. You wouldn't listen to me anyway if I tried to help.

I REALLY don't care about your childhood issues. They're none of my business, even if they do explain all that crazy.

I don't care about your imaginary illnesses, or all of the unnecessary tests you're going to have to go through to prove you're an attention seeker.

I don't care that your dead baby daddy tried to kill you and your unborn child from the grave through dreams. I don't care, because it's PSYCHOTIC and I've only known you for 5 minutes. I think I'll leave your house now, psycho. (Based on a true story - turns out she was doped up on pills)

I don't care about your financial situation. I don't know you, I'm not giving you money. Plus, my husband doesn't make much if any more than yours... Well, I don't know if you qualify for welfare, why don't you go ask someone who knows? Like maybe the welfare office for starters... No, I don't know where it is. Sorry.

I don't care that your neighbor reported your dog. It's loud, obnoxious and craps everywhere. You don't take care of it anyway.

I don't care that you don't see any ghosts in my house. Although, I think you should reevaluate your opinion because some crazy stuff happens here.

I don't care that your mom hates you (you're a hard pill to swallow).

Nor, do I care how fat you think you are.

I don't care about your husbands rank. My husbands rank is none of your business because we are in a grocery store parking lot. Actually, my husbands rank would NEVER be  any of YOUR business; you're not in the Army. I don't care how you raise your kids. I don't care that your neighbor is a gossip. I don't care that she's sleeping with a General. I just don't care. Also, all of these stupid questions you've been asking me between breaths from your complaints are going to go unanswered.

I don't care. I don't know you. I don't want to know you. You're a nut job.

Nice to meet you though, I suppose.


I thought due to the fact Facebook ignited this blogging idea, it would be a good first topic.

Oh, Facebook.

 The magical world of drama where lifelong friendships can end, we all give out way TMI, and stalkers can fulfill they're wildest dreams without violating a restraining order. It's the place where everyone thinks they're an expert, and their opinions really matter; where it's determined whether you will be successful or doomed to a life of loserdom for eternity. It's where you meet the love of your life - or lose them - depending on the circumstance. It's the place you go to air your dirty laundry, and read everyone elses so you can go gossip to your girlfriends or buddies later in the day (We all do it, let's not pretend we don't). Hell, you can even find out about life altering events on Facebook, like the death of a loved one. That's always nice.

The majority of what we hear nowadays stems from Facebook, what's worse is we believe it...

 People truly believe they can know someone based off of what they read on Facebook. That's always been a thought process that has annoyed me. I have several "friends" on Facebook I've never met in person, however I cannot say that I know everything about them, or even assume I know who they truly are. I am not discounting the possibility of getting to truly know or care for someone based on Internet interactions, I'm speaking more of judging people based on a post, or 100. You can be whoever you want on the Internet. If I wanted to, I could tell people I was a doctor and probably pull it off for quite awhile if not forever. A drama queen can act cool as a cucumber, and a mellow person can come off as a spaz.

Facebook is taken very personally. I am guilty of that myself. I find myself annoyed with having to have forced interactions with friends who are mutual friends with people I don't care for. It's much easier in person when you don't have to see the mutual friends interactions with the disliked party. This can lead to irrational thought processes and unnecessary drama and hurt feelings, even though it's none of anyone's business.

Any time a hot button issue is presented, it always explodes. Politics, religion, circumcision, war, welfare... I'm pretty sure none of us know what the hell we're talking about, so perhaps we should all just stop discussing these topics altogether...

I've grown a bit uncomfortable with the lack of discretion Facebook has allowed in recent times. All these lists, groups and notifications has made it difficult to control what people see. If you like my photo, everyone on your friends list knows you liked it. Same with comments... why do I need to know what you have commented on some random page? I know there are ways to control this, but it's just become too much effort.

It's too easy to vent on Facebook. Those of us in the military life know you often find yourself in a new place, with no real life local friends. Hell, even if you're not military, we all feel alone sometimes when we can't get anyone to answer the phone, or come over. Facebook, in a way has cured loneliness for many, sometimes that's good, sometimes it's bad. When one has no one to talk to, they often turn to Facebook for companionship. I have friends that have mastered using it for this purpose while avoiding possible social consequences; but some haven't. At all. Once it's online, it's there. That is something my dad has always drilled into my head. You can't take it back. So, for instance, if you are angry at your best friend and you post all the dirty details for 500 people to read, some of those people are going to remember that, and probably talk about it.

I hate random friend requests. I don't mind being added by someone who wants to get to know me, or is looking for a friend; but it seems that once one adds you (this is especially common when I join a Group) you end up receiving 20 requests in two days. I'm not adding those people. All that does is create more useless crap on my news feed. I care about my friends, and what they're up to. Random girl who hates her husband, kids, and life... not so much.

Stalkers. There are a lot of them. They often log into other peoples profiles to spy, or force others to tag you. This annoys me. If I wanted you to know what I was doing. I would be friends with YOU. If I don't want to talk to you in real life, it's probably safe to assume I don't want you in my shit. I'd love to say the "block" feature works, but it only works when you catch them and they aren't spying from a friends profile. You should be able to block by IP address.

Groups drive me nuts. They are just catty drama fests. It doesn't matter if it's a pregnancy group, a For Sale group, a political group... it's nothing but drama. Much like the comments on websites... can't we all just get along? Why is Facebook a popularity contest? Here's the deal : I'm not going to think you're cool, smart, superior, stupid, uneducated, etc. based off a Facebook comment regardless of what it says. Likewise, I don't expect you to make rash assumptions about me, either. Oh, but in the world of Facebook, that's how it goes...

I intended for Facebook to keep me connected with distant friends and family through my travels, but it's turned into much more. Too much in fact. I am taking a step back to avoid losing my mind.


Welcome to my blog! I have chosen to go the blog route mainly because Facebook has become exceptionally annoying.

I cannot post an opinion on that site, especially in the groups, without having to receive a million comments telling you why I'm wrong, and frankly I'm over it. I decided it would be best if I vented and expressed my against the grain opinions here, in my own space. I am really the type to state my opinion and be done with the subject. You're not going to change my mind, and I'm not going to change yours; so what's the point of debating or arguing? Most people can't debate civilly, especially on hot button issues. I don't mind civil discourse, but it's hard to find that on Facebook.

So, I will vent here. People can take it or leave it. You can think I'm an idiot or a genius, I don't have a preference.